Ernest R. Blanchard was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II. He survived four combat parachute jumps, as well as combat duty in North Africa and the Battle of the Bulge.
He carried an SCR300, or BC1000 backpack radio as part of his duties. The radio was very heavy and he had to carry it, plus spare batteries (also heavy), in addition to the usual equipment a combat troop carries. He was a very strong individual. On one occasion the radio saved his life. There was an explosion and shrapnel from the explosion tore into the radio, but come up just short of hitting him.
This is a blog dedicated to him, and the ongoing work of writing a book about him: Where Dad Dropped In.
He participated in what is perhaps the most famous parachute jump, ever, the planeload of troops that dropped directly into the village of Ste. Mere Eglise, Normandy, France on June 6th, 1944; D-Day.
Here is a list of the men that jumped from the plane that night:
Company F 2nd Platoon Mortar Squad 6 June 1944
1. Lt. Cadish asn 0-1321274 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot on pole)
2. Sgt. John Ray asn 34005401 DOW 7 June 1944 (shot in square)
3. Sgt. Edward White asn 38086247 KIA 6 June 1944
4. Corp. Vernon Francisco asn 12172603 KIA 3 Jan. 1945 The Battle of the Bulge
5. Pfc. Charles Blankenship asn 14021124 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot in tree, near Blanchard)
6. Pfc. Clifford Maughan asn 31979546 survived WWII (landed in garden, taken prisoner)
7. Pfc. Penrose Shearer asn 13067200 KIA 6 June 1944
8. Pfc. Alfred Van Holsbeck asn 15098699 KIA 8 June 1944 (Fell into burning house?)
9. Pfc. Ernest Blanchard asn 31196873 survived WWII
10. Pvt. H.T. Bryant asn 38476694 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot on pole)
11. Pvt. Phillip Lynch asn 393121178 KIA 13 Jan. 1945 The Battle of the Bulge
12. Pvt. Kenneth Russell asn 34375469 survived WWII landed on the
church roof-escaped
13. Pvt. John Steele asn 16054501 survived WWII landed of roof wounded
but escaped
14. Pvt. Ladishaw Tlapa asn 36636766 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot on pole)
15. Pvt Steven Epps asn 14201815 survived WWII
In the summer of 2013, I had the great pleasure of finding my father’s WW II helmet in the December, 1944 Museum in Belgium. Here is a video of that moment:
Happy Birthday Dennis! Wish this video was in English! You and Jane look so good and I am very proud to know who you are! I wish to the best in your new book and can’t wait to read it! I love you both! Enjoy traveling~~~~~~
Sandy, not only can you wait to read it, I can’t wait to finish writing it. Those men that went into D-Day, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Holland, the Battle of the Bulge and Germany, were just super human. The more I research this, the more overwhelmed I become with their accomplishments. Mike Steele, the fellow that has a comment following yours, was the fellow that landed with his parachute caught on the church steeple. That scene was made famous by Cornelius Ryan in his book/movie, “The Longest Day.”
I can’t be certain yet, but it appears that 16 men jumped from that C47 plane, and only 4 survived the night. My dad, John Steele, Ken Russell and Epps made it out alive. Such bravery!
My Great Uncle Alfred who you have listed can you give me any info on him.
Good Day Michael: Sadly, I don’t have any other information than what I have on the web site. I’m on the road at the moment and can check the documents at home when I return. Even the information on the site could be in error, there isn’t much to go on. Searching using Google or other tools may help you find more current information, what I have may be out of date. New evidence turns up all the time.
Dennis R. Blanchard
Thank you from what i have learned i heard the same as you had in your thread but i also heard he was hit by gunfire on the way down
My father, Robert W. Landl, was also a radio operator in F Co., 2nd Batt., 505th PIR, 82nd ABD and he indicated company communications and machine gun & mortar always jumped the same aircraft.
He was with F Company from Fort Bragg to North Africa with combat jumps in Sicily, Salerno and Normandy.
Thanks for the posting John. I wonder, did your dad survive the war? By your comments, I suspect he did. You are correct, the mortar teams usually had a HQ comm operator with them. I have several accounts of mortar crews having difficulty hitting their DZ because they had some rather awkward shaped equipment bags that often caught in the exit door and delayed everyone getting out. This was why my Dad’s team missed the DZ and ended up landing in Ste. Mere Eglise. Do you have any other info about which aircraft your dad may have been on, or photos, etc?
My father had been the radio operator for company commander, Captain Neal McRoberts, from Fort Bragg up and until Normandy when Captain McRoberts was in charge of a Pathfinder unit.
In the burgundy leather bound 82nd Airborne Division history album there is a picture overlooking downtown Sainte Mere Eglise.
There is a home with an enclosed courtyard just off the town church square where my father landed. There is a rabbit hutch in that compound which is clearly visible. He had to shoot the lock off the gate in order to leave the compound.
A friend of his visited Sainte Mere Eglise during early June 1964 and spoke with the property owner. The property owner indicated there were two canopies in that compound on 6 June 1944 and that he had found my father’s pair of beige/white leather gloves that morning.
Above the square and to the center left is a large open field. At the end of that open field is a road running left and right. My father pointed out his communications equipment bundle hanging across the wires which followed the road.
For a number of years, I corresponded with a C-47 pilot who flew out of RAF Cottesmore with the 316th. I had asked him if his unit also flew the C-53 “Skytrooper” and he indicated they did.
My father left France and return to England with a full-blown case of malaria most of the men had encountered during the Italian campaign. He was them flowing to the US and ended up at Harmon General Hospital in Brownsville, Texas.
After the malaria subsided, he returned to the Jump School at Fort Benning, Georgia as an instructor jumpmaster until the end of the war.
Here is additional information on F Company via an article on Sergeant Wurst.
Hi John, my name is Max Secunda, I am the grandson of Neal McRoberts…
Hi Max: Nice to hear from you. From the records I have, Neal McRoberts was a Capt. with the 505th Parachute Inf. Reg. and was in the HQ group. There is a very likely possibility that he may have known my dad, Ernest Blanchard. The records show that he may have transferred to the 508th at some point, but I don’t have much on that. If you have photos or information, it is always welcome here. Thanks for checking in.
Dennis Blanchard
Hi My name is Billie Giegold-Hedde. My father T-5 Albert William Giegold was a member of the 508 2nd Bn F company. He left me with many stories and a three ring binder with the words Memories written on the outside. Coupled with the many stories he told andcrecorded there is enough for a book. I have searched for the manifests or loading documents for the planes that carried them into Normandy and Holland. I noticed that you were able to list the men on your Dads plane. John Steele came to the 82nd reunions the last one being in Indianapolis Indiana before he passed. Those men held strong friendships and relationships their entire lives. My dad passed in Dec of 2001 perhaps you can tell me where you found the manifest information concerning the men who were on the plane your father jumped from. We were in Normandy last March.
I, too am searching for jump manifest for my father, Robert G. Banks 82nd Co. F. I know for a fact he knew your Dad and they saw each other at reunions! If you have any luck finding such information please let me know.
Hi Penny: Sorry for the delay, too many projects, too little time. I too recall dad mentioning your father as well. I really would love to find those manifests, they would answer so many questions. Where in the country are you living these days. I travel a lot so maybe we could compare notes and photos at some point.
Hi Dennis! Sorry for my delay as well. I continue to research all that I can about DDay hoping to glimpse more understanding of details. My Dad shared stories by we failed to write them down while he was alive. So I’ve accumulated many from family memories. I’m thankful my Dad talked about the war, so many men did not.
I’ve not found a manifest yet but believe I’ve narrowed down to 9 planes he could have been on. That’s exciting!
I live in Illinois and would love to meet you and share notes and pictures.
I spoke with your mother several times about our Dads. Is she still alive?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi Billie, our fathers knew each other. I would love to see the binder and photos! I wonder if there is any way our paths might cross to share information. I live in Illinois.
Hello Penny, It seems that the manifest’s are hidden or maybe in the fire that happened in the St. Louis Federal building that was burned by Vietnam Vets in the 70’s.
Sp i went after the research for my Dads plane in a bit of a different direction. I started researching the different Troop Carrier Groops that flew into Normandy. The 2nd Battalion flew out of a little airfield called Saltby. I can say firmly that F company was in Serial 20 and probably in Chalk #’s 28 – 32. after researching repair records and reading pilot accounts I am 99.9% sure I know the plane my Dad, Bill Giegold was on . What I am not sure of are the others who were on that plane and that probably can only be fully identified by finding the manifests or even other troopers accounts. I have spent hours in the National Archives in Maryland going through 82nd materials and also info from the 314th Troop Carrier Group. Could not find anything about who was on what plane!! Im in the process of putting it all in a book form. Basically for my kids and grandkids. These guys were remarkable men. WE Have a great deal to by proud of and humble about. Billie Giegold-Hedde
Hi Dennis. Hope this finds you well. Please expand on PVT Russell. Was he captured by the Germans prior to his escape? I know my uncle was captured then eventually escaped.
Hi Mike, nice to hear from you. Your uncle was one very brave man. He was captured, and even though injured, he managed to escape. Somewhere, in the piles of research information I have been gathering, I have that story in some detail. It is buried at the moment and as I write the book, I’m sure I’ll see it again. At that point, I will post what I have for you.
As for Russell, I have several interviews of his, and I don’t recall his being captured at all. He had a few hair raising encounters on D-Day night, but I think he got away at that time. I’ll double check that as well, once I can get to it. I’m drowning in documents at the moment. The thing I do lack is photos of my father at that time. I do have a few select ones, but could use more.
Thanks for the comment, I love to hear from folks.
Is there a way I can send a PM? I know the address where your uncle was kept prisoner but the owners don’t want me to put this here.
Enjoyed your writing style in “300 Zeros”. Let me know when the book is done.
My dad was also with the 82nd during WWII. I used to have his discharge papers but they ended up lost. I know he was in Africa, Italy, Normandy, Bastonge, etc. Unfortunately his records were destroyed in a fire. I would love to know how you found your dads jump roster from.dday. i would like to find mine and any other information about his service
Hi Shawn: Unfortunately, I have not been able to find my father’s jump manifest either. Every WW II historian in the world has been searching for those since the war, and nobody has found them yet. I have been able to piece together my father’s stick through combing through records, books and fragments of documents that have allowed me to figure out who was on the plane.
I was fortunate, that particular plane dumped, what may have been the most famous group of paratroopers in history. They all ended up landing right in the square at Ste. Mere Eglise and most of them were immortalized in the movie, The Longest Day. That, and there are various memorials at Ste. Mere Eglise that have their names on them. Even with all the research, I still can’t be positive that I have the entire list. I could be missing someone and never know it. Sad, but true.
There is a good chance your father and mine met along the way. Dad served with the Headquarters Co. as a radioman and was farmed out to various groups. That night on D-Day he was jumping with men that he only knew in passing. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Any suggestions for finding more details about my uncle, private “Charles S. Teller”, service number 14084043 ? He was 82nd AB, I believe 1/508th, chalk 22, DZ “N”, 0220 AM on D Day; (KIA 07JUN1944). Not certain if he was considered a Pathfinder.
I have not been able to find his chalk photo, which would be wonderful. I don’t know what books may reference his stick. If anyone knows where I could search, other than what I have been able to find reasonably easy on the Internet, I would appreciate your help.
Best regards,
Scott “Teller” Cadwell
Hi Scott: Judging by the time he landed on D-Day, I would think he wasn’t a pathfinder. Most of their landing times were a bit earlier, however, as you no doubt know, things did go wrong. I don’t have much on the 508th, but here is the official record that I found online: Charles S. Teller.
I’m rather busy at the moment, I’m getting ready to leave Monday for the D-Day Memorial events in Ste. Mere Eglise. I’ll try to dig deeper as time permits.
Thank you for the help.
Enjoy the trip to France.
France has such a beautiful countryside.
Hi Scott: You might check out this page: 508th PIR. If you don’t find anything, you might try following some of the contact links.
I’d like info on Donald Pearsall, paratrooper from 508th division who landed in Normandy on D-Day. Are there any pictures of him in training or while in Normandy. Group or single photos? Anything? And what does the badge look like if ordering one? Tks.
Anne- Are you in the family and is there someone I can help you get in touch with?
Please PM me on FB. Amy
Anne- I’m not sure if my first reply went through. Please contact me through Facebook (look up yarinya13). I could probably find some info for you but just wondering what your interest is in him. He was my great uncle. I’ve also been thinking of him lately as the preparations are being made for the big anniversary celebration in Normandy.
I’m doing some research into C-47 43-15334 that was assigned to the 45th TCS of 316 TCG, and was used for Chalk 34 of Series 17 of Mission Boston during D-Day, dropping troopers of the 2/505th PIR next to St. Mere-Eglise. It is not impossible that your dad jumped from this aircraft, although I have no direct connection between them. If however, you run across any information about this C-47, or others in the 45th TCS (especially photos) I’d appreciate having it forwarded to me.
Much appreciated.
Andrew: It appears my father was on Chalk #9: 42-23505. He was with the HQ group, but was assigned to the mortar team on that plane. He was a radio operator with HQ and they always farmed them out to various teams to keep contact with HQ. The plane actually survived the war and there is a photo of it when it crashed, serving duty as a Czech airliner after the war. See photo and data sheet:
Please do keep in touch.
C-47 43-15334 also survived the war, served with several airlines, was badly damaged in Hurricane Charley, but is now in private ownership and undergoing repairs (slowly). Google N130D, and you can find photos. I’m trying to fill in some of the history of this aircraft, and hope to find wartime photos or histories of the aircrew and paratroopers who may have jumped out of this aircraft.
hi. found your site looking at several airborne stories. I feel so good for you that you located your dad’s helmet, what a moment. My dad, William M Bonnamy, was in the 82nd, 319th FAG, A Batter; his glider crashed about 2 miles north in Foucarville than where your dad came down in the square. The 319th’s mission was fire support for the 508th. His rally point just after first light was in the town square which was under control by that time. In the square, defensive positions were being taken up, my dad saw General Gavin pull up in a jeep with his crew. Gavin immediately noticed that dead troopers who were still hanging in the trees. He started screaming at his officers to have the troopers cut out of the trees and take care of. My dad only said a few things about D-day and that story was one of them. My dad survived all the way to Berlin some how. I’ve been to St. Mere Elgise several times and was there just this last June. It always amazes me and I always find out something new or make new friends.
Please feel free to call or write.
William Bonnamy
Wow, quite a story William! I wonder if you dad had any photos? Cameras were kinda scarce at the time, so I can’t imagine he did. I’ve been actively hunting for photos of the SME square from D-Day. I have found one grainy photo that shows my father’s parachute still in the tree, but I’ve been dying to find a better one. The other thing I have been trying to determine is which troopers were hanging in the square? I have a good approximation, but can’t be certain, and may never be. I can’t even be certain as to how many troops were actually in the 82nd Airborne plane that dropped them in SME that night. The good news is, it appears that only one 82nd drop ended up in the square, all of the other troops that landed there were 101st. It wasn’t such good news for them, many of them died, but from a research vantage point, it helps. It looks like it was 16 troops, but I could be wrong. What I would give to find the parachute manifest from that plane that night.
It appears that my father jumped just behind John Steele. There was a man in between and he exploded right in front of my father. It is even possible that the shrapnel that ended up in Steele’s foot could have been from that explosion and not from the ground fire. This is all postulating, one can never know for certain.
Those troops in the gliders really had it rough and I don’t think anyone ahead of time realized how bad it was going to be. I think there was a notion that riding in on the glider would be “easier” than parachuting, but that certainly didn’t turn out to be the case. Keep me posted, I love hearing about the troops that were there, as well as all the other operations.
Can u find any info on George Nobel he was my uncle in the 82 I remembered as a child the stories of him on the last practice jump before D-Day he broke his ankle the story goes his company was the one who drop into the square and was almost wiped out please send info to
Hi Bert:
I haven’t been able to find much, yet. Do you have any other information that might help in the search? For example, a middle name or nickname that he might have gone by? Also, which state was he from? Do you know what he did, ie: medic, motor man, radio man, etc? A service number would really help, but most families don’t seem to have those. Anything you can think of might be helpful.
You are correct, the plane load that got dumped into the square, had it rough. The one from the 82nd only had a few survivors and the two plane loads that dumped into/near the square took heavy losses as well. Could he have been in the 101st? Are you certain it was the 82nd?
I have a pic of my dad posing with some officers somewhere in North Africa, after that nothing until Paris
In August 1944. I have a nice pic from the Bulge and Holland but that’s about it aside from a group photo of the brass from the 319th. See link (
Dad said he would of preferred to jump as opposed to crashing in a glider to get on the ground. Several of his crew including the pilot were killed getting on the ground 6/6. He was part of Force B, they landed the evening of June 6, just in time for the German counter offensive. Here’s an excerpt of their mission:
“Parachute elements jumped at 0210 hours, joined a group from the 508th
Parachute Infantry and assisted in the attack on the LA FIERE Bridge. At 1330
hours this element joined the glider element at the Division CP at 332965.
Glider elements landed at 0500 hours and moved directly to the Division CP. At
2305 hours Headquarters and Headquarters Battery of Division Artillery, the
319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion and the 320th Glider Field Artillery
Battalion glided into NORMANDY and encountered severe enemy small arms and mor-
tar fire. Reorganization commenced immediately but was handicapped by intense
enemy fire. The section of the 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion at-
tached to 505th Parachute Infantry jumped with the 3d Battalion, but was able
to assemble only one of the two 75mm pack howitzers which had been dropped.”
My dad could not see without his glasses and had 3 pair that evening. When their glider came to a stop, he couldn’t find any of his glasses. As a young kid hearing this story I’m thinking OMG he just crashed, some of his crew were dead next to him, it’s dark, he can’t see and Germans are shooting at him. Not good. He did not tell me but confided in my mom that earlier the following morning as they moved towards SME he killed a german officer and took his .380 PPK pistol which he carried the rest of the war. He simply said “it was him or me.” That pistol was stolen from our house in Chicago by movers when my parents bought a new home.
His glider crashed not far from where a stick of 101st paratroopers crashed in a C47 and all were killed. There’s a monument to this north of SME near Foucarville. This is where Lt. Thomas Meehan and his stick of troopers died in a firery crash as they took fire on their approach. If you watched the Band of Brothers series it begins on Dday and Charlie company can’t find Lt. Meehan and so one of the sgt.’s takes over the squad. They had no idea Meehan’s transport had crashed and all were lost.
When I visited SME in 2009 I had a British guide who claimed to have interviewed Trooper Steele and he had some pic’s of him and other info. Steele told him he came down on the church on the opposite side of where the dummy trooper hangs today. He was hanging about 20 feet from the ground. He said I believe one of the officers landed in a tree right across from him, but was shot by a German who was running by. Then another German approached saw Steele and took aim. Steele heard a shot but the German was down, apparently the trooper in the tree shot the German than died. Steele got out of his harness and took cover across the street. I thought he mentioned that Steele was captured then got away but not sure about that part.
I am lucky to have my dad’s medals, his dress cap and the AA arm patch he wore on Dday. I also have his discharge papers which are really cool, if you want to see them I’ll send in another email. Most of his injuries were concussions but he also had a trailer hitch go through his leg in Belgium. I guess he was pretty lucky. He was deaf in his left ear from the 75mm Howitzer, ear protection then was done by sticking a finger in your ear before the gun went off. He had PTSD really bad and struggled with a lot of issues after the war. He could be very quiet, stayed to himself. But immensely proud of the 82nd airborne and fearless, he feared no person after the war. “The devils in baggy pants”…that’s how he referred to the 82nd.
Do you have that hard bound leather book kind of dark maroon color, the 82nd produced at the end of the war?
Take care.
Dennis Great Story! I head about this website off the QSO Today podcast. I already follow you on Twitter, I read your book about the AT Three Hundred Zeros and plan to attempt the hike in in 2019 when I retire. I’m like you and already went through a Heart procedure, so I can kind of relate. Nothing to the severity of a sextuple bypass….my was a simple valve……but, I know the issue of being cut open. The sad thing is I never had any symptoms. It was found after a follow up by my doctor following surgery to remove Kidney Stones. So, I actually had back to back surgeries within 3 weeks. I’ll tell you what…..I rather have Heart Surgery than Kidney Stones again…..
Can’t wait to read the book! I served 31 years in the military, started off active duty in the USMC but spent a majority of my career in the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard as both a Radio Operator and Maintenance Tech, but ultimately retired as a Health Service Administrator O3-E. My last deployment I was assigned the 332d Aeromedical Staging Squadron. The same squadron number and wing was reactivated to continue the legacy of the Tuskegee Airman.
David, aa6rv
Wow David, sounds like you’ve had your share of adventures! I love you comment, “…my was a simple valve…,” there’s nothing simple about anything that involves cutting into your body. I often tell people there is little difference between 1 bypass, or 6, they all entail certain dangers. The statistical disadvantage with the higher number is a factor, of course, but even 1 bypass is dangerous.
Keep me posted when you set out to hike the AT, I love to follow along. I can’t say when the book about my dad will finish, the research has proven daunting, but I keep plugging away. Thanks for the comments.
Dennis “K1” Blanchard
Dear Mr Blanchard
Please can you contact me by email. I would like your permission to use one or two of your photos in a presentation. Therefore, I thought it only right to have your go ahead before I do so.
Thank you.
Dennis, I’m a WWII re-enactor in Las Vegas, NV and a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserve (86-94). I was in the Signal Corps, not the Airborne, and I don’t have any direct ancestors that served during the war. My paternal grandfather was too old to be accepted, and my maternal grandfather joined the Army, but they found out he had a steel kneecap from a childhood injury, so he was discharged before his unit went overseas.
However, I’ve been interested in the war since I was 12, and when my mom passed away in 2011 I spent my inheritance on taking my wife and two daughters to Normandy for a couple of days the following year. I knew then that 2014 would be the year to go because the festivities would be huge. Turns out that was true, but I also knew that if I didn’t take the opportunity to go when I did, that I would just end up eventually spending the money and I’d never have another chance to go.
As a result of that trip, I kind of “adopted” the 82nd as my major interest in the war, and bought a replica 82nd uniform at the Dead Man’s corner museum, even though I was not yet a re-enactor (and had never even thought of becoming one).
When I returned home, one of my friends talked me into contacting the Southern Nevada Living History Association. Now, I am the sole representative of the 82nd amongst our WWII group. I wish the guys that were there for real had a better person to keep the memory of their sacrifices alive in the minds of the people of Las Vegas, but for now, I’m all they’ve got in that capacity.
Therefore, having read a few histories of 82nd sub-units, and the memoirs of several of its veterans, I am champing at the bit to read about your dad! Best wishes.
Terry Sackett
Las Vegas, USA
Terry: Thanks for keeping the memory alive in Las Vegas. I’ll be certain to keep my eyes open for anything that comes up regarding your town. Re-enacting can be a family event, as shown here with a Belgian family we talked to in Sainte-Mère-Église. I was so thrilled to meet SO many people that haven’t forgotten the sacrifice that those troops made. I think I saw more American flags in Sainte-Mère-Église than I have ever seen anywhere else, including my home country. Thanks for following.

My father is Clifford Maughan. I have also visited Ste Marie Elise in 2013 where I learned there is a plaque honoring his drop into a garden of a family called Munoz family. This home , 4 Rue Eisenhower, 50480 Ste Mere Elise. This is now the property of Ellwood van Seibel, a British WWII tour guide.
This is a short version of what Elwood retold as the events of June 6, 1944, as he had heard them from the daughter of the Munoz’s, Georgette.
Cliff was evidently the first to jump from the airplane and he landed a few blocks away from the square. There is a greenhouse located on the property. It is dramatized in the movie, The Longest Day. It was crashed into in the movie but Cliff actually landed in the rear of the property, away from the greenhouse.
Georgette, a young girl, was a witness to his landing as she and her family were huddled nearby in a ditch for protection as the planes arrived. A German officer was housed at their home and he had also became aware of his arrival. Cliff was recovering from the jump and the officer was able to raise his rifle, trained on Cliff. Georgette intervened between the two men, asking that no lives be lost. The officer first spoke in German and then in English asking Cliff if the Allies were invading. The German officer eventually surrendered to Cliff as he said that if this is true the War was soon to be over.
Georgette and Cliff were unexpectedly reunited and 1984 in the garden during a DDay anniversary. I will be glad to share more of the story.
I am also searching for information regarding my Dad and his service history. Any information concerning Company F 505 Parachute Infantry, would be appreciated. He died in 1990 and is buried in Riverside National Cemetery. I am his only child. I look forward to your contact.
Donald. A. Maughan
Good to hear from you Donald. We may have been in Ste Mere Eglise at the same time, too bad we didn’t know. I was also there last June for the 70th anniversary event, that was really something. I tried to see if I could find any living members of the old unit. As far as I can tell there is only one left from the HQ Co., Bill Sullivan. He was there, but I didn’t get a chance to meet with him. I’ve been corresponding with his wife, Elizabeth, and she told me that talking to him may not have done much good, he is advanced stages of Alzheimer’s and has very little memory left. How sad.
As far as I can tell, this is the list of the troops that were on your father’s plane that night:
Company F 2nd Platoon Mortar Squad 6 June 1944
1. Lt. Cadish asn 0-1321274 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot on pole)
2. Sgt. John Ray asn 34005401 DOW 7 June 1944 (shot in square)
3. Sgt. Edward White asn 38086247 KIA 6 June 1944
4. Corp. Vernon Francisco asn 12172603 KIA 3 Jan. 1945 The Bulge
5. Pfc. Charles Blankenship asn 14021124 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot in same tree as Dad)
6. Pfc. Clifford Maughan asn 31979546 survived WWII (landed in garden, taken prisoner)
7. Pfc. Penrose Shearer asn 13067200 KIA 6 June 1944
8. Pfc. Alfred Van Holsbeck asn 15098699 KIA 8 June 1944 (Fell into burning house?)
9. Pfc. Ernest Blanchard asn 31196873 survived WWII
10. Pvt. H.T. Bryant asn 38476694 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot on pole)
11. Pvt. Phillip Lynch asn 393121178 KIA 13 Jan. 1945 The Bulge
12. Pvt. Kenneth Russell asn 34375469 survived WWII landed on the
church roof-escaped
13. Pvt. John Steele asn 16054501 survived WWII landed of roof wounded
but escaped
14. Pvt. Ladishaw Tlapa asn 36636766 KIA 6 June 1944 (shot on pole)
15. Pvt Steven Epps asn 14201815 survived WWII
My father was a radio operator with the HQ Co. and was attached to your father’s stick for the drop, so they probably didn’t know each other that well, or at all.
It has been extremely difficult gathering accurate information. I’ve heard and read so many different versions of what went on in the town square that night that I’m convinced I may never get to the bottom of it. One thing that I did dig up is it appears that Lt. Cadish was serving as jump master that night. He, Bryant and Tlapa all ended up at the northwest corner of the square, on the light poles and were killed either on the way down, or shot on the poles. From the direction the plane came from, and the speed, it would appear that they were the first ones to jump, since the plane went diagonally across the square from there. This would have put your dad somewhere in the middle of the pack.
The list above may give some sense of the order that they jumped in, but a few things would not make sense. First, if Cadish was jump master, he could have gone either first, or last, depending on if he wanted to ensure everyone got out or not. It would have been his choice. I interviewed the co-pilot that night and he indicated that there was some delay of getting out. This may have been to the mortar equipment getting stuck in the door during the jump, I found a few other instances where this was the case with mortar teams as well. It didn’t fit through the door very well. Second, Tlapa would have been further up the list to land on those poles. We may never know the order. There would have been seven copies of the jump manifest for that plane, on that night, and none have ever turned up.
I do know my father told me he could see John Steele heading for the church steeple and that the man immediately in front of him blew up directly below him. He must have taken a hit in his Gammon grenades. I think that man was between my father and Steele. My father ended up in a tree just up the street from where your father landed, which would indicated that your father was just ahead of my father and Steele. They didn’t have much control of those chutes and some dropped faster than others, depending on how much equipment they were carrying. My father was carrying an SCR300 radio, spare batteries and some mortar ammo and dropped very quickly. I have a aerial photo that calls out and points to exactly which tree my father landed in. The tree had several trunks, and some of them still stand, but the one he landed in is gone now.
If you’d like to pursue this further, we can email or Skype, do let me know. I haven’t been too actively working on this in recent months, I have another book that I am trying to finish first. I’m still searching for my father’s journal, it was loaned to a museum and I have yet to track it down, along with some other items.
Take care.
Dennis Blanchard
My great uncle CP Blankenship was killed there as well. Me and my cousins are researching him and another uncle CP Blankenship 286 combat engineers in the Colmar pocket. Growing up as youngsters we always would get our grandmother to tell us the story of how my great uncle parachuted and got caught up in a tree and was killed by the Germans. Any info you can pass along would be greatly appreciated
Nice to hear from you Jon. At the moment I don’t have anything new that you probably don’t already have. If I do turn anything up, I will certainly let you know.I keep looking for the parachute manifest for their plane. That would tell us so much about the jump order. How I wish I had talked to my dad about all this, all those years ago.
your father landed in my grandfather’s garden (we’re named Monnier, not Munoz). Georgette is my aunt (still alive).
I was there when your father visited in 1984. My father and my aunt had dinner with your dad. And we showed him his parachute, which my family had kept for 40 years. This was all very moving and memorable.
I’m sorry I’m seeing this so late.
Good Day Christine: I enjoyed reading your comment. I hope Donald sees it. I’m sorry, I’ve been away for a few months and didn’t have much access to the Internet.
I wonder if you have any photos that you would like to share with the readers. I wonder if Georgette would have any photos of the war?
Dennis Blanchard
I’ll see what I can get from my relatives. In the meantime, here’s a video, in French though: of Georgette retelling the story of that night.
my dad saw some of those troopers still hanging in the trees around the square the next day. Gavin happen to arrive and gave the mp’s hell and orders to immediately cut everyone down.
Hi Dennis,
Thank you for your reply and a copious thank you for your efforts to keep the memories of these brave men alive through your writing. I am currently reading Unbroken and it reiterates what the men were made of during that period.
You have obviously done a lot of research and gathered a lot of information on your Dad’s experiences as a part of 82nd Airborne. I appreciate you sharing the approximate timing and direction of the jumpers and that makes a lot sense to me. I find it interesting that our fathers landed in such close proximity. He was part of the mortar team so he would have been heavy also.
I have heard several versions of what happened after my father landed in the garden. One thing seems to be constant; he ended up capturing the German, Lt. AltmanVerna, (unsure if spelling is correct) who was billeted in the home. I also know my dad was wounded and hospitalized but later returned to his unit. I believe he missed the Battle of the Bulge. Can you tell me any other details of what happened with the 82nd after they jumped that night? How long did they stay in Normandy? I recorded the words of Elwood Van Seible and transposed them into print. Are you interested in reading this document? Also, are you familiar with Descending from the Clouds, A Memoir of Combat in the 505 Parachute infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division by Spencer F. Wurst and Gayle Wurst. It is excellent and it includes photos of each, John Steele and Clifford Maughan.
I would love to get your email and continue our dialogue. Which area of the country do you live ? I am in San Diego just in case we are nearby.
Warm Regards,
Donald A. Maughan
Following is Ernest R. Blanchard’s initial interview (written questionnaire) for The Longest Day:
Bristol, Conn.
For Cornelius Ryan Book about D-Day
Pathfinder 82nd
What is your full name? ERNEST RILEY BLANCHARD
What was your unit and division? 505th Regimental Combat Team 82nd Airborne Div.
When did you arrive in Normandy, and at what time? We dropped in Normandy (St Mere Eglise) at .0015 hour June 6. St Mere Eglise was the first town on the Continent to be liberated by the invasion.
What was your rank on June 6, 1944? P.F.C.
What was your age on June 6, 1944? 30
Were you married at the time? No
What is your wife’s name?
Did you have any children at that time?
(Handwritten notes, probably from telephone follow-up interview:)
Saw a man explode
Heard bell
HQ 505 Capt Boyd
John Grogan
Landed in tree in square
Radio operator, supposed to set up light assembly
What do you do now? I am a machinist by trade in the E. Ingraham Clock Co Bristol Conn
When did you know you were going to be part of the invasion? Actually we assumed that we were going into something real big in May of 44 but as to actually be exact on the time we did not kknow until we were in the C-47s on our way.
What was the trip like during the crossing of the Channel? Do you remember, for example, any conversations you had or how you passed the time? Well we heard rumors and more rumors. Some of them were that this was a sham that the big invasion was going off in Norway at the same time we dropped in Normany. We also heard that the Jerries had all kind of fantastic weapons to use especially on Airborne troops.. Some of these rumors we heard were not far from wrong. They had quite a defense set up against us. Anti-Airborne obstacles such as trip wire mines. Pointed poles driven in the ground plenty of Bobby traps etc.
– for Cornelius Ryan 2 –
Your name Ernest R Blanchard
Did you by chance keep a diary of what happened to you that day? Yes I did. I have a few incidents that took place in it.
Were any of your friends killed or wounded either during the landing or during the day? Yes.
Do you remember any conversations you had with them before they became casualties? We lost a lot of men in the air when we dropped. Also men were shot while hanging in their chutes.
Were you wounded? Yes.
Do you remember what it was like—that is, do you remember whether you felt any pain or were you so surprised that you felt nothing? It all happened so quick that it was over before I knew what had happened.
Do you remember seeing or hearing anything that seems funny now, even though it did not, of course, seem amusing at the time? Yes another trooper and myself were in a large Jerry foxhole in a position that we had taken and we were really catching some hot fire from mortars and 88’s when all of the sudden this trooper jumped into the hole with us. He said they are all into my fox-hole.
Do you recall any incident, sad or heroic, or simply memorable, which struck you more than anything else? An instance of a trooper climbing into a tree in our forward positions to give fire orders back for the artillery to fire on enemy positions that were on our necks with there dreaded 88’s. He certainly did a fine job and their positions were completely destroyed.
– for Cornelius Ryan 3 –
Your name Ernest R Blanchard
In times of great crisis, people generally show either great ingenuity or self-reliance; others do incredibly stupid things. Do you remember any examples of either?
We were being strafed on a road out of St-Mere Eglise. So three of us ran for the same fox-hole. As it happened I got to the hole last. And I was top man so you can see that the fox-hole did me no good. You can call it what you want but I still call it self-preservation.
Where were you at midnight on June 5, 1944? In the air going to Normandy.
Where were you at midnight on June 6, 1944? St-Mere-Eglise Normandy
Do you know anybody else who landed within those 24 hours (midnight June 5 to midnight June 6) as infantry, glider or airborne troops, or who took part in the air and sea operations, whom we should write to?
Sgt. Major Elmer P. Ward. I don’t know his address but I know he works for Penn R.R.
Master Sgt. Carl W. Hern. 36 Covert St Columbus Indiana
John Grogan 206 Lake Shore Terrace Los Angeles 26 California
Elmer P Ward 1621 Antrim St N.S. Pittsburgh Penna.
There were so many things that happened on D-Day in Normandy that it would take a long time to get them in writing so I hope this will be of some help to you.
Sincerely yours, Ernest R Blanchard
Cornelius Ryan
Frances Ward
Research, The Reader’s Digest
Thanks Bill. I do have a copy of this from when we visited the Cornelius Ryan records library in Ohio. My father had a few errors in it regarding addresses and such, but it is fairly complete. For example, Msgt Carl W. Hern, was actually, Carl M. Hern. I’ve never had any luck tracking down some of those listed. I’d love to find existing members of the Hern family. I met them when I was very young, they stopped by to visit us in Connecticut. The “Covert St.” address no longer exists.
Thanks again.
Dennis R. Blanchard
I am Michael J Baker i amlooking to find out anything about my dad Harold J. Baker 506e 82 airborn we know he served from 1944 to1945 and he said he was at Baston can any one help us find more about hem he was from kansas ,Independence he inlisted in 1943 ThankYou Michael Baker
Good Day Michael: Sorry for the long delay. Somehow I didn’t get the notification until just now. In answer to your question about Harold Baker, are you certain he was in the 82nd Airborne Div.? I’m fairly certain that the 506th E was part of the 101st Airborne Div. That would explain his being in Bastogne, Belgium, since that was primarily a 101st operation. The 82nd was deployed around the Bastogne area in and worked to free Bastogne from being surrounded.
Let me know if this is of any help. I can investigate further.
Dennis R. Blanchard
dad hade both sholder 82 and 101 on his jacket . he said that was in both after bastogne if yoy have any papper work and any inpho on him.
Looking to find information on my grandfather; John C. Grady. I believe he was 82nd, and perhaps the 505th? I know he made several “drops”; I used to have some of his insignia patches “death from above” was my favorite as a kid. He was estranged from my mother for a number of years, so I do not have much to remember him by. Any assistance appreciated! – Victoria Hudson
Hi Victoria:
I’m currently traveling and won’t be home until early October. Once there, I will try to see what I can find on your grandfather. Sorry.
Thanks so much Dennis, I so appreciate you!
Hi Dennis,
I’m currently reading Stephen Ambrose’s D-Day book, and in it Ken Russell recalls the terror of witnessing Charles Blankenship land directly in a burning barn. Just wanted to share that as it suggests he was not shot in a tree but rather died in the fire.
Thanks for your work in preserving the legacy of the greatest and bravest Americans who ever lived. Your father is a hero to millions of people.
Hi. My name is Billie Giegold-Hedde. My father T5 Albert Wm Giegold went into Normandy on June5. Much has been written about those 33 days in Normandy and many men including my father were interviewed and their experiences documented in different books. My father had a three ring binder on which he had written Memories. He gave this to me many years ago. He had documented his fellow soldiers deaths and many events that he was involved in. In it he wrote ” the plane we were on was going down tail first with a 4 foot hole in one side. We literally slid out”. He also wrote when documenting his friend Gerald Brightsmans death that he jumped behind him into Normandy. 1. I found one manifest for chalk 32 listing the para on board. It happens to be the chalk that listed Brightsman then Albert W. Ferguson and then Don wright. (Don and my dad remained friends throughout their lives going on more than one fishing trip. ). My dad was Albert W. Giegold. 2. I found repair records for plane 42-92055 that made it to Tarrent AFB on the English coast that had its rear control cables shot out and a four foot hole in one side. In Dad’s Memory Book he noted several times he wondered what had happened to the pilots. I have searched for two years for the manifests. Have been to the national adrchives several times. Have been through the micro fish AF films of the 50th wing 314 that flew them out of Saltby. I am pretty sure F company 2nd Battalion was in the back of serial 20 probably starting with chalk 28 thru 32. I have been studying the book Croos Channel Attack going thru the references trying to discern where they located the material written therein thinking that it might lead to the source that actually created the manifests/loading documents. If by chance anyone out there that has 82nd loading info it would really be appreciated if you would be willing to share it with me. I have been through all of the 82nd material at the archives and you will find that several copies were made of the same document. I feel that somewhere those manifests are still stored perhaps it occurred they haven’t been declassified. A mystery I want to solve. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Billie Giegold Hedde
Hi. My name is Billie Giegold-Hedde. I am the daughter of T-5 Albert Wm (Bill) Giegold. 508 F Co I too have been working dilegently putting my fathers story together of Normandy Holland The Bulge etc. he somehow survived all the battles for Europe. At any rate he had a three ring binder that he called Memories. He wrote a great deal in it and I have been working off of that. I too have turned the Archives wrong side out looking for the manifests/loading documents. I have the book Cross Channel Attack and decided to research the directives that planned the minute details of the invasion. With the help of an archivist at the Natl Archives I will be going back in July to pursue more details in that direction. I did figure out the serial he was in 20 Chalk numbers 28-32 carried f company. I also found a plane that was repared at Tarrant Rushton flying back across the channel with its rear control cables shot out. My dad said in his memorie book the plane they were on was going down tail first and the sleep d out. This was chalk 30 42-92055. I simply need the manifest to verify. I know many others have searched for them. I’m just going to hopefully try a different approach. And perhaps they have never been declassified also? Any way. I will keep looking.
I’ve been trying to find information on my dad. His army discharge said that he was in the 139th engineer battalion which was in the 17th Airborne but I think he must have been transferred into the 139th just before being sent home. I think he must have been in the 307th engineer battalion in the
82th Airborne. How can I find out for sure. His name is Edward C. Madison.
By many chance stumble up on Frank Pajnic 504 PIR Co. D 82nd he was in the Sicily snafu when so many of ours were lost.. Hut with shrapnel ( which with his Purple Heart) a prized family heirloom 12/16/44 doing leg infantry San Puerto. Love how you’re honoring your daddy and if either of us stumble on our heroes share the info
My 2nd cousin was C (Charles) P Blankenship (named after my grandfather his uncle) and Steven Epps was a 2nd cousin also. C P and Steven were also related. As a kid in the 60s I would hear stories about them. Story goes that C P landed in some wires and was machine gunned.
C P carried the mortar tube and Steven the base plate. After the war The Blankenship’s parents sent word for Epps to come visit and tell them what had happened to their son. Steven could not bring himself to do that. Months later he went on a Sunday for the afternoon and ended up staying with the Blankenship’s for 3 days. Steven passed 5+ years ago.
Would love to read your book.
Hi Bob: How I wish I had more information for you. Unfortunately, it proves easier to find information about WW I and the Civil War than D-Day. For some reason, so many records were just plain lost. It is especially odd with the jump manifests that went with each plane, they had multiple carbon copies and were supposed to be filed to track each man in case something happened to them. Other than a few individual copies, most, at least at this point, are lost to history.
I don’t know if you have any of the maps or photos that depict where the various troops landed, but there are some around. They do conflict and it may be impossible to put this to rest, once and for all. I’ve seen accounts that have CP hanging from the telephone/power wires, others have him coming down in the tree next to my dad and, less plausibly, going into the burning barn. I believe he was one of the former.
It seems that at one time somebody had better information, especially when Cornelius Ryan was doing the book, The Longest Day, and the subsequent movie. I’ve been to the university in Ohio where Ryan’s records are kept and that information doesn’t seem to be there. There may be information at the New Orleans Eisenhower Museum, I haven’t been there yet. They did send me a packet of info, but I keep having this feeling that there may be more there if someone were to spend time digging.
That is the first I hear about the mortar tube and base plate. Epps does show up in various places after the war, but apparently he document much. Too bad, it would have been really helpful. At the 70th Anniversary in SME I ran into one fellow that would have known, Bill Sullivan. Bill was with the HQ group, same as my dad and knew my dad. Sadly, Bill was in advanced stages of dementia and has little recollection of anything. He was probably the last living being that would have known much. Later, after D-Day, he was captured and spent time in a German prison camp.
Oh, one thing you may not have known, CP was supposed to have been engaged to an Irish girl in Belfast. No way to confirm it I suppose, but his brother did mention it.
If anything turns up, I’ll let you know.
Hello. I’m looking for info on my uncle, Clarence A. Gardner who jumped with 82d outside of SME on 6/6. He later was at the Bulge, and then on to Berlin. I am assuming he was in the 505, but not sure. Any info greatly appreciated.
Col Gardner: I couldn’t find Clarence Gardner in the 505th (82nd Airborne). Is it possible he was in the 101st or 173rd Airborne? What I have is below, by unit, name, service number and, if known, date of death:
G Gardner Arthur J 12172122 D=7-12-82
80AA Gardner Paul J 35111217
SVC Gardner Victor M 34150512 D=6-15-74
80AA Gardner William A 15101278
Do you have any other information about him. I assumed he survived the war and had some other information.
ya your right cool story. I will check out the movie. band of brothers was the tv documentary series i mentioned
Looking for information on John R. Subra CPL 82nd?
My great uncle who was in the Airborne in WW2 and combat wounded. Nobody can tell me what division he was in. Unfortunately he committed suicide in his 40’s which his wife attributed to suffering from a leg wound from his military service. The story I was told was he was wounded by shrapnel. His name was John R. Subra (11/24/24-10/1/68) from Minnesota. By chance I found a jump drive full of family pictures. To my amazement the jump drive has a number of pictures of Johnny in his uniform. One looks to be in 1943 and the other good one looks to be in Germany and says it was taken in Berlin? His jump wings and infantry badge are clearly visible. Looks like the shoulder patch is the Allied Airborne. Distinct unit patch is not visible in any pictures I have. Since many pictures are titled Berlin it would seem he was 82nd.
A reminder of what we seem to know.
1) Already finished airborne training in 1943. Middle picture titled Johnny March 1943, he has jump-wings and bloused uniform pants.
2) Combat wounded – Seems to indicate he probably participated in the D-day landings since his training was complete in 43?
3) Many pictures including bottom shown have titles indicating Johnny was in Berlin for occupation duty.
I can supply pictures if indicated where to send.
Thanks in advance, very excited for any input!
Thanks for writing Chris. I sent you some info that I did find, via email. It appears John was in the 173rd Parachute Regiment. Hopefully, with that information, you will be able to find more about him. In 2014, Jane and I, were in Ste Mere Eglise, Normandy for the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion. The 173rd was well represented there and did some parachute drops in honor of the invasion, including jumping out of a C-47. It was quite impressive.
Hello everyone, Still doing research concerning my father Bill Giegold, and his entrance into Normandy. I do have one manifest from Chalk 32 Tail # 643 This plane lists as follows: Lt. Mack Cook, Cpl. James Jackman, Pvt. Calvin C. Morrison, PFC. Delmar Seebach, PFC. Harry Thompson, Pvt. Daniel L. Miller, Pvt. Frank McAvoy, Pvt. Edgar Vought, PFC. Gerald Brightsman, Pvt. Albert W. Ferguson, Cpl. Donald Wright, Pvt. Clifford Cunningham, Pvt. Patrick Rickard, Pfc. Donald Yoon, SGt. Robert Broderick, S/Sgt. George Menter. The 2nd Battalion took off from an airfield called Saltby. It would be my opinion at this time that F company (the company my father was in) would have flown in Chalks 28-32. Basing my research on this one manifest, then using a description that my father wrote concerning his plane that was fired upon, and repair records, It would be that Dad was in Chalk 30. Then recently I accidentally stumbled upon a book that contained stories that were accounts of Troop Carrier Pilots that flew into Normandy. The pilot for chalk 30 recounted his story. ‘Plane dropped down to 500’ . Caught in search lights fired upon both sides. Right engine shot out, Rudder cable severed, left engine acting up. Dropped the trooper, nursed the plane back across the channel landing in a small airfield on the english coast. Counted 326 bullet holes in the plane.”
So the reason I am reporting this; Just perhaps any of you out there remember an 82nd 2nd Battalion F company Trooper reporting such a story, please advise. I have been working on a book concerning my Dad and many stories for several years. Have searched the archives going through all of the 82nd materials and TRoop Carrier Group materials, Vistited by Normandy and Holland. Manifest do not seem to be found. Would love to know who else was on the plane with Bill Giegold. Many thanks, Billie Giegold-Hedde, daughter.
Any chance you’ve seen this video Billie? I believe it is some of the 508th getting ready to leave for D-Day from Saltby. Recognize anyone?
I found a number of good photos from this film in the book: American Paratrooper Helmets
Keep us posted.
Hi, after reading through the various comments I thought I might ask a question regarding load manifests for glider flights in Market Garden. My dad was in the 82nd but in the 320th GFAB. I know what glider he was on for Normandy, but I’ve been trying to narrow down which one he might have been on for Market Garden. It seems that this information is very difficult to find. Any suggestions of where to look would be appreciated. thanks, joan
Well Joan, if you find the answer to where to find that information, the world awaits. As I’ve noted in other comments, I suspect if it still exists, it is in some old dusty attic or closet and untouched for all these years. The burial service did have copies of this information for identifying those that they had to take care of, and they appear to have been pretty meticulous in their work, but as for the actual records, I haven’t been able to find any. I wish I could be of more help.
These manifests were so useful. If a string of paratroopers were in a drop and and most were easily identified, alive or dead, then the manifest could be used to identify a troop that ended up “in between,” two knowns. If you turn anything up, do let us know.
Hello Joan, My father Charles Deaner was in A Battery 320th from D Day to Berlin. All we know is he landed in Normandy and his friend James Schaefer was killed. Would you have any info on him or James. I have been looking for glider numbers and if they were together but have rub into dead ends. Any info you would have on my Dad would be great. Thanks Dave Deaner
Joan, my father Charles Deaner was also in the 320th GFAB. Would you happen to have any information with his name on it? He was in A Battery and his best friend Lt. James Schaefer was killed on 6-6-44. Thanks Dave
Thanks for checking in Dave. I don’t have much info on Charles Deaner, but if I come across something, I will let you know.
Dennis Blanchard
My father, Andrew J Lord Jr. / Serial 17 / 2/505 / 316th TCG / was the pilot of Chalk # 5 Tail # 682. (he passed in 1995) His CO, Benjamin Kendig, passed on March 24, (one day short of his 98th bday) after providing me information about that fatefull day. Your father’s pilot; Heinlein was my fathers best friend and was killed by accident on June 7 in Cottesmore. Your information helped me connect more insight. Thank you.
Do you have any information on what happend to Chalk 7 & Thorp? That C-47 is missing in the Landing/drop zone illustration and do you know which plane Benjamin Vandervoort jumped from? I visted Sainte Mere Eglise in 2014 and will be back this year in July.
There seems to be some confusion about the tail number of #682. On page 106 of Valor Without Arms, by Michael N. Ingrisano, there is a chart showing 43-15648 [682?], Chalk #5. Then page 114 there is some discussion about Capt. James A Lore, Col. Berger’s left wing man, flying a/c #4349682. If you don’t have a copy of Valor Without Arms, A History of the 316th Groop Carrier Group 1942-1945, ( )I highly recommend it. There are numerous photos in there that might be of interest to you. On page 133 there is a photo of Lt. Heinlien’s plane, after the fatal collision.
It appears that Thorp was chalk #7, 43-15317, see page 358. You are correct #7 is missing from that map, I’ll look into that further.
Hi Dennis,
I totally missed this reply. Apologies. I do own Valor Without Arms. That is a typo. It was my father. Ben Kendig provided me incredible information (Heinlein was my father’s best friend etc.) & pictures. I did visit Normandy again in late June. I have been all over that incredible website you referenced. Those formations & more were provided by Ben K…..if you get a chance, he wrote a story in it….
Our fathers were incredibly brave & flew/dropped into many critical battles. My father NEVER discussed the war with his 4 sons. All he said was “it was hell”…
I have his uniform and medals etc here in my home office to always remind me what that generation did for us….
Again, sorry I missed your reply……
This chart shows where your father’s plan should have been in the formation:
According to AN IRRESISTIBLE FORCE, by Phil Nordyke, page: 50, Vandervoort was in the lead plane, piloted by Walsh, Chalk #1.
My Great Uncle Alfred Van Holsbeck from what I was told was dead when he landed and I was also told there was an explosion right before or at the time of impact into the structure. (following comment removed)
LANDL – my grandfather was an army engineer; in the 82nd – i still have the “death from above ” insignia & and he was then instructor at Fort Braggs after their initial recon & jumps in France. If you or anyone else ha e info on John Grady – please reply. Sadly, i have none. – victoria-
My father Charles Deaner was in 320th GFAB A Battery. All we know is that he landed near SME and his friend James Schafer was killed. Would anyone have any further info such as glider number or who was in that glider. Dad went all the way to Berlin in the 82nd and my mother is a british war bride. Sadly Dad passed and never talked about the war. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you Dave Deaner
My uncle was Lt. Harold Owen Cadish. Do you have any pictures of Harold?
Good Day Marvin:
The only photo I have ever found of Lt. Cadish is one that I will email you. Perhaps you have others? I do not know the source for this photo. I think the Lieutenant was the first one to exit the plane. He was jumpmaster and had the choice of going first or last. That is only a guess on my part. Sorry I don’t have more. I would really love to find the jump manifest which would at least confirm some of the things that I have found over the years.
Dennis Blanchard
Hello, thanks for the fantastic page. My grandfather was a ww2. His records were lost in a fire. He would never speak of the war. Shortly before his passing he was in the VA hospital and the doctors were impressed with his accomplishments. I remember that he was a paratrooper that was in 7 major battles and received a Purple Heart. Some years ago i embarked on an online quest to find a picture of him. I figured that I would be able to find him. After a year of searching I did. The picture is of him with several other soldiers resting along side a wall with a sign that says “ The town of St. Sauveur Le Vicomte is hereby liberated as of now by US soldiers”. He is the man sitting in the far left side of the photo next to the seat gang. All of the soldiers shoulder patches are intentionally distorted in the photo so I can not see what they are.
I was hoping that you could shed some light on who this group of soldiers is in the picture. I would love to know so I can try to find some more pictures of my hero. Thanks so much for the awesome
Hi Tim: I’ve been in the hospital for the last week or so and am behind on things. Could you mention your grandfather’s name, that might help.
The troops in the photo spent a few days there after liberating the village. The author, Michel de Trez, owns most of those photos. You saw him in the video. I suspect you can contact him via the December 44 Museum in Belgium. Here is their contact page:
I did try to find the location of the photo in St. Sauveur Le Vicomte, but didn’t have much luck.
Michel did have a collection of unidentified photos and I managed to find a nice one of my dad in the pile, maybe you would be so lucky?
Keep us posted on anything you find.